News / Good To Know

10 Quick Facts About Kinder Chocolate

You cannot talk about Kinder chocolate without talking about the Kinder brand. This is a brand that was built more than four decades ago by a famous entrepreneur and pastry chef, Michele Ferrero. Over the years, Kinder products have been enjoyed by kids and adults alike. Although it had a humble beginning in Germany, it has spread to all parts of the world, being recognized for its quality, variety and creative products.
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Chocolate Tempering And Other Kitchen Tips

Have you ever wondered how people heat up chocolate? Well, it's not as hard as it seems. You just have to follow the procedures outlined here to get the desired result. 
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Why You Need to Know About Single Origin Chocolate

How do you like your chocolate? Single origin or blended? Kinder or Lindt? My guess is that you choose chocolate by brand, so your answer is likely to be either Kinder, Lindt, or any other brand that satisfies your chocolate cravings! 

Indeed, many chocolate lovers don't know much about chocolate beyond the top brands on the market. As a chocolate aficionado, you should also be able to tell whether your chocolate is single origin or blended. 

This article presents what you need to know about single origin chocolate so that when you pop into a café for your daily chocolate fix, you know exactly what you’re getting. Let’s get into it.

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10 Good Reasons To Buy German Chocolate

Chocolate...Who doesn't love it? Despite it being the world's favorite snack many people rarely venture away from their usual brands. It's time to try something new. It's time my friends, to buy some German chocolate.

We are following in the historic footsteps of chocolatiers here in Germany and can't wait to share with you these 10 reasons why you should buy German chocolate.

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Understanding How Single Origin Chocolate Could Replace Coffee

The increasingly health conscience public that are often worried about consuming too much caffeine throughout the day. While cocoa powder does contain caffeine, it does not have as much as a cup of coffee. Many experts feel that one day soon we will see that morning drink evolve from that cup of coffee to that cup of hot or frozen chocolate cocoa
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What Does Your Chocolate Preference Say About You?

A study created by Alan Hirsch, who is the Founder of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation Chicago reveals that each type of chocolate can tell us quite a lot about a person's personality. In fact, chocolate fans rely more on intuition rather than logic as they are pre-disposed to acquire a specific type of chocolate based on genes and traits. But what does our chocolate preference say about us in the first place? Here are a few important and interesting things to keep in mind!
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5 Must-Have Books About Chocolate

For the curious mind we have compiled a list of our favourite chocolate books. Exploring the world of chocolate is as much fun as eating it. We are always interested in learning something new and these books walk you through the history of cocoa, its production and its transformation into delicious edible chocolate. A sweet exploration into the world of cocoa from bean to bar including recipes.
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